Thursday, September 6, 2012

If There is Any Real Voter Fraud in Recent Decades That I Know of

By Antoinette Herrmann-Condobrey

I stand for correction but the only real voter fraud in the US presidential elections I know of in recent decades are: 1. The Florida recount in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore - when the US Supreme Court halted the recount process - calling it for Bush. 2. Current voter ID laws enacted in many states across the US - spearheaded by Republicans - which disenfranchise eligible voters, mainly minorities - primarily from key Democrat constituencies. So I’m here and I'm thinking: The group that ought to be watched are the ones who are playing the watchmen - claiming voter frauds and poll protection as reasons to put in place - new, unnecessary stiff measures that do nothing but stifle the efforts of minorities to register to vote and subsequently rob them of their rights to vote.

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