Friday, September 7, 2012

The Much Anticipated Obama DNC Speech

                                                                                              By Antoinette Herrmann-Condobrey

For all those whose main fear was if last night's speech could beat that of '08 or if he’d be able to convince voters that they are better off today than they were four years ago, I guess we've realized by now that the guy's agenda was way different. It was to reconcile the two speeches - tying the past to the present and future; and boy, did he do a heck of a job!

The promises of the first; its partial realizations and dashed hopes are carefully tied to a partially covered, difficult journey that must not be deserted by a people of hope and faith. Do the math and see how coolly he reconciles them: The "I never said it was going to be easy, I wasn't naive of the magnitude of our problems;" the "Yes, our path is longer but it leads us to a better place; yes our road is difficult but we travel it together." Add that part to the "So now you have a choice between the strategy that reverses this progress or the one that builds on it; the "You are the reason; I am hopeful because of you; you made that possible for that guy to go to college." Now, square up those two sets with the "If you turn away now; if you give up on the idea that your voice can make the difference" etc and see what you get.
Woooooo! Talk about psychology! And ooooooh! Did he beg for votes!! You bet this POTUS is one of the smartest ever. :-)

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