Monday, October 22, 2012

How Fast did Benghazi go off the Table?

I've been saying all night, that I can't believe how fast Benghazi went off the table.

In the end, the Wall Street Journal report that came out on the morning of the debate, which seemed to be helping Obama by telling the truth on his behalf regarding the Libya killings - ended up helping Romney even more.

The report came across as an exoneration for Obama by saying it was the CIA that goofed; not him.

What this report did for Romney was however even greater: It gave him the info he had been missing all along about Benghazi and got him to back off his harsh, uninformed rhetoric that Obama and his team were covering up something. And by backing off this rhetoric, Romney most likely swerved another real time – even bigger – disgraceful moment on stage. Because you'd bet Obama would have come to that debate with some real surprises in his pocket for him.

So you see? Even if the Wall Street Journal comes out for a Democrat, its master plan is most likely to help the Republican. That’s just me thinking, folks.

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